Wednesday, October 03, 2007


So, in my global strategy class we talked about one of my the most polarizing of all topics in the media (which then makes it political). The Topic? Outsourcing. Which is different than offshoring. Which if different than offsourcing. Specially, outsourcing is when a task is done outside your company. Offshoring is when the task is done outside the country (this does mean that another company does it). Offsourcing is the most accurate term for when a task done by your company is done in a different country by a different company. This is traditionally what people think of when thinking of outsourcing.

Anyway, a good discussion ensued. Most MBA students are for outsourcing/offshoring/offsourcing because they look at it strictly from a labor to cost perspective and the financial advantages that ensue.. I tend to agree. Then again, I wouldn't say I have been personally affected. If my dad worked on an assembly line, maybe I would have a different view. I think what most American's don't understand is that outsourcing/offshoring/offsourcing is not just a local event. When I was at TVS in India (who people think is the black hole of labor) they sent there engineering work to Japan and built a plant in Malaysia for labor cost advantages. I also think that Americans are polarized by it because we are in the wave where jobs leave. I would argue that our industries will stay competitive by adapting. No job is immune though. Doctors in India check x-rays for hospitals in America.

Song Recommendation - Sweets by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

(I saw the last 5 minutes of this crappy HBO show about married couples, and this song was playing in the background...crappy show, great song)

1 comment:

Miss O. said...

Spoken like a true MBA. I'm so proud.