Monday, January 28, 2008

Bad Luck

Where has Nick been? Good question. I'm not even sure where I have been. I've been doing a pretty good job about posting this past month or so, and I'm sure that my readers (all three of you) have been checking the site anxiously. Each day that passed no doubt felt like a little more of your soul disappearing. Well have no fear; One Big Holiday is back in the game.

It's been a wild week. Where to begin. I'm in Louisville every other Thursday/Friday working part-time at Humana. Since classes weren't held on MLK Day and I don't have class until 430 on Tuesday, I waited until Tuesday to drive back to school. Well, I waited until Tuesday to drive halfway back to school. I was driving and I was thirsty. So I decided to stop in Franklin (Exit 90) to get a drink at the McDonalds. It was in the McDonalds parking lot that the Explorer's transmission decided it was finished working. That's not completely true, it would work for about 50 feet each time I turned the car on. The last 85 miles to West Lafayette would have taken quite a while at 50 feet a pop, so I decided to call the tow truck. So, I hung out at McDonalds for an hour and hung out at a Ford dealership in Greenwood for an hour before Sara drove up from Btown to take me the rest of the way to Purdue. I didn't make it class on Thursday I can't really say that the mechanical failure of the vehicle was that much of surprise considering I've been able to freely switch from Drive to Neutral to Reverse without putting my foot on the brake. Luckily we have friends in the transmission business.

The transmission is final event in a string of bad luck which began we me losing the jump drive with all my MBA stuff on it. A good 1.5 years of work. I'm an idiot for not backing it up more.
The middle event was a trip to the doctor for a foot injury that happened back in October. So, I as at the doctor and he's putting me through the paces. Taking x-rays, watching me walk, poking, prodding, and other things that doctors do. Finally he says, "Well, the x-ray looks fine. That means you've either damaged the ligament or there is a fracture internally. I can't tell the difference without doing an MRI, but with both those injuries I would just put it in a cast. So, let's save you some money. I'm going to get my stuff to put a cast." Well, this was not expecting when I walked into the doctor's office and I say, "Wait a minute, I'm going to Las Vegas next weekend to play in a tournament. I'll just come back in a couple of weeks and we can put the cast on then." So, on Friday the doctor is putting my foot in a cast. Lame. It's going to be on for 6 weeks. Double lame. I'm going to Chile and Argentina in 4.5 weeks. Triple lame.

But I can't be too sad. Today is the 28th of January. Since the 18th of January I've been to 3 classes for a grand total of 4.5 hours in the last ten days.

Song Recommendation - To Love Somebody by Ray Lamontagne AND Damien Rice


Adam said...

Since you haven't actually told us about your trip, why don't you take this opportunity? I will return the favor and tell you about our trip in the coming week.

Your "bad luck" is just an opportunity to have joy in your blessings, of which you have many.

Nick Haywood said...

Dang son, I just got back yesterday. Ye shall know all when ye is ready to receive.

Bob Caswell said...

Wow, well, now I can't complain about that lousy lunch I had...

Adam said...

I don't particularly care about your ultimate trip. I want to know about your South America trip. If you already knew this is what I was referring to, then never mind. I look forward to hearing about it.

Nick Haywood said...

Well, you're getting Vegas. I'm tagging along with Sara for the South America trip. I honestly don't know much about it.

Sara, why don't you tell everyone about the trip.