Sunday, May 06, 2007

Derby Weekend 2007

So, Andrew took a history class his last semester to complete a general education requirement (I think normal people complete those in Year 2, not year 5) and he had to write an essay for the final. For this "essay" he was to create a fictional story about witches. Seriously. Asking an engineer to create a story about whiches in the Middle Ages is like asking them to please a woman. It's not going to go well, but the attempt is bound to be hilarious.

The first weekend of May is always Louisville time to shine, and this year was no different. We decided to skip the infield this year (I'm not going back until I can afford tickets) and instead hoped to do the party scene. Luckily, the Walton's and Henry both decided to have parties. Ryan is currently living in Louisville, and I felt like it was my duty to show him the ropes. We started the day with the intention of going to the Walton's, hoping over to Henry's, and then heading back to Walton's for the Derby. Well...things got a little crazy, I was winning money (they had a bookie at the party, and I am an excellent handicapper), Katie's deck was too nice and we (the Sara/hs and their significant others, Ryan, and I) didn't end up going out to Henry's until dark. We stayed long enough to witness two guys almost get into a fight over their fraternities before heading home (with an intermediate stop at Papa Johns). The highlights of the day were winning money (of course), listening to Sarah Drake beg me to take my suit jacket off ("That is way too many layers"), Henry begging us to drink his beer (we weren't much help), and just being with friends.

Speaking of friends. Sara, my sister, and I went out to Mike Linnig's (that place is CRAZY DELICIOUS) for lunch and then to Zesto's. What makes this story interesting is that Matt Wagner was at Zesto's. Matt is the lead singer of the band A Girl A Gun A Ghost( and took a break from working on their first full-length album in Atlanta to drive up to New Albany to get the tour van worked on. They are about to start a North American tour, and everyone is hoping for a stop in Louisville. Regardless if you like the music or not, you gotta give him props for living the dream.

Prayers go out to Beth, Josh, and Adam while they are in Uganda.

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