Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gun-Toting IRS Agents

Radiohead played a free show tonight in London. That's pretty cool. A free Radiohead show. What could make it cooler? The fact that they announced yesterday that they were having a free show that night. I don't care who you are, you gotta think that's cool. Truthfully, I've never been that much of a Radiohead. I own a couple of their albums (including In Rainbows....paid $11.50 for it when it was pay-as-much-as-you-want on their website) but for me it's just good background music. Nothing I get excited to listen to (see MMJ post below). BUT. Announcing a free show the same day of the show. That is cool. That's what music should be about. Doing whatever you want, however you want, and having fun doing it.

So, I was reading ABC News Mobile on the Treo yesterday and found a couple of interesting things. One article was reporting that they (Cop? someone? The interns on CSI?) found the body of an IRS agent that had been missing since December. Apparently, the lady committed suicide and they recovered the IRS-issue gun with the body. Look, I’m sorry that this lady committed suicide, but wait a minute. The IRS-issues guns? What is that all about? Do they have mice in the facilities and prefer high velocity projectiles to mouse traps? It’s not like an auditor is gonna be hot on the trail of a case and decide that they need to take a gangster down. That may have been the case with Al Capone 75 years ago, but that was a different time and place.

The second article was in regards to Tom Cruise: The Unauthorized Biography. So, the story is that Tom Cruise’s baby (Suri) isn’t actually his biological baby. But it (I don’t know if Suri is a boy or girl name) is in fact the baby of L. Ron Hubbard (inventor of Scientology) and Katie Holmes. Well, L. Ron died in 1986, so the little bundle of joy was apparently created in a test tube. I have no idea if this rumor is true or not. I do know that if it is, Tom Cruise is even more psycho than previously suspected. If it isn’t true it is still a hilarious rumor to start because it makes Tom Cruise seem even more psycho than previously suspected.

I went to the business etiquette dinner (definitely a Gourmet, not a Gourman) last night hosted by Krannert. It was the second time I’ve been because well, it is a free meal and the presenter is pretty entertaining. Anyway. I learned all these archaic rules about how I am supposed to dine. Which makes me wonder. Who made these rules anyway? Why is it that the proper way to eat is the way the King of England ate in the mid-19th century? What makes his style so “right” or proper. Why are we supposed to eat that way? I mean, shouldn’t they (the proverbial they of course) eat like the rest of population.

Song Recommendation - Karma Police by Radiohead
(I don't care what I said earlier, this song is AWESOME)


Adam said...

Are you saying that Al Capone started the IRS? Mike Huckabee better saddle up!

No comment on Cruise.

I have been waiting for someone else to talk dining etiquette with. Don't you remember that dinner where I was trying to explain which way to pass the food? Offer left and pass right. Was it the same for the Kind of England?

Nick Haywood said...

Well, Tax Evasion is what they actually got Capone with.

Mike Huckabee would not saddle up. Why would anybody saddle up when you got Chuck Norris in your corner?

I don't remember you saying that, but last year Anthony Cawdron (Event Planner at the Purdue President's Residence)did say to do the bread/butter that way. This year he said to pass it to the right and that the person on your right is supposed to offer you take one first.

I mean come on man, what am I supposed to do when the Queen invites me over.

Miss O. said...

Dude. Dude.
Haven't you ever heard of white collar crime. Those CEOS are f'ing crazy. If I were an IRS agent, I'd be strappin too.

Mr. Blair said...

ONE HUNDRED GOLD STARS to haywood for using "Gourman"!

And as far as etiquette goes, that is definitely something lacking from my Gourman Manifesto. I also am lacking price. V2.0 will be distributed in the near future.

And I want you to roll in NYC for a weekend and then just try to tell me that radiohead wasn't made for listening in that city.

Nick Haywood said...

Jake, you proved my point. You're in New York and you have Radiohead as BACKGROUND music while experiencing the city.
