Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mr. Blair I think you're cool. Even if your students don't.

What's with Blair (link on the right) posting to his blog everyday. That means I've got to post everyday. And sometimes I don't have good stuff to post about. Then I have to make up stuff. Luckily, I already had this one prepared.

Check out this interesting article that appeared on about journalism in the US since 1940. It is not only interesting, but informative too!!!

While reading The Jungle, I noticed things in there that seem so ridiculous today. Someone would get sick, and they would send them to the saloon (which is interesting in that, today "saloons" are more upscale than bars....I would say...but these super-poor immigrants all went to saloons) to drink some whiskey. So, in 50 years you'll be showing your grandkids what a TV was used for and they'll be amazed. And then they''ll be like, "You used WHAT to cure cancer? That's so dumb. People sure weren't very smart in 2008, Gramps. Everyone knows that doesn't really cure cancer. Hehe. You're funny." And you'll be like, "I know kids. We were dumb. But at least I had a really happy life and I was really successful business and now I'm really rich. If you don't shut up, I'm going to write you out of my will." That will show them. But then in 2058 we're not going to use money....or cars....or plates....or music. We're going to be living in a world with no land (because the polar ice caps melted) and the only way to find dry land will be with a tattoo on the back of a mysterious girl. And we'll be chased by pirates around the globe. Or, maybe that was the plot to Waterworld.

Song Recommendation - See These Bones by Nada Surf (weird, I know...but it's good)

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